Tuesday, November 22, 2016

missing my snow

Sigh I miss this. It's weird not to have somewhere cold to look forward to.
My annual snow pilgrimage.

On another matter, I had some unhealthy food last week and it came to bite me in the ass.
I'm feeling extra fat this week.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Lunches in October

These are the culprits that made a hole in my pocket and brain, and inflated my stomach this October.

La Strada Lunch

The Disgruntled Brassiere Lunch

Semi-buffet lunch at Four Seasons

Thursday, November 03, 2016


That's the only feeling I had when I saw my unofficial gmat score. Disbelief.

The thing is... I don't even understand how I got that score. I don't know which question I did wrong or right, or how the question derived my score. I had a pretty okay score for 2 of my mock test but this is far below my expectations. Many months of studying at night, one week of leave just for intense practice, $40 of Uber still didn't make it up. ARGH.

Maybe I'm just lousy.

It's like I hit a wall, I never felt so low, so low. Like a waterfall, my tears dropped to the floor, the floor. They left a swimming pool of salted crimes, crimes. Oh.