Saturday, April 21, 2012


It's so true when they say success is 20% hard work and 80% luck.

Turns out that even if you work hard and get good results, the chances of getting a well paying job is only 20%.

Seeing that most of my friends have already secured some good paying jobs with average results makes me question the effort and the extra courses that I have endured for so long. And the amount of job experience that I have accumulated just to get a good career. Or maybe I just don't have that 80%.

I just can't get over the setback of being rejected for the job that I really wanted. Some part of me is still hoping that they would send an email to me saying the position is now available. Well perhaps it's the stress that it's exam time now and I still have not secured a job yet while many have already locked into high paying jobs.
Most of my bank applications have no replies too.

I wonder if I should start to panic.

Patience my young Jedi.
Edited: I changed the ratio from 70-30 to 80-20.