Tuesday, December 31, 2019

ETQ sneakers

I have been eyeing ETQ Amsterdam for the longest time but the regular price is just too expensive so in Feb I settled for a Common Projects. They were very uncomfortable.

My grey GU sneakers had broken soles and just so that ETQ had a 30% year-end sale, I put a pair in my shopping list. It was still expensive after the 30% sale and they don't ship to Singapore. I had been thinking really hard about that pair and delay buying them but they was the last pair of my size left. Initially I wanted to get the classic Nubuck one but they didn't have my size anymore and the only mono-tone premium Nappa leather one was left.

And then suddenly yesterday night they increased the discount to 50%, which made the sneakers less than $200, which was quite reasonable. The only choice which I had to make was either the classic Nubuck or Premium Nappa because they suddenly had my size for both. I thought hard and went with the Nappa:
1. I don't have a mono-tone pair of sneakers, most are white soles
2. Mono-tone sneakers with same colour soles = premium
3. Nappa is easier to clean and more waterproof than Nubuck

After some self-convincing about the price, kaching, now it's being shipping to Becky's place and she's going to pass to Daniel who will pass to me in March next year.

Early birthday present for myself and long have I waited to own a ETQ sneakers.

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