Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Angus in Sg watching Hamilton

Angus texted me on Sunday, 2 days before labour day asking me if I'm in SG from 1-5 May and I said yea (because I have no plans and cash to go anywhere) and asked him if he's coming. He called me and I said ok come without asking why - I'd eventually know when he comes haha. 

So he bought his flights from Tokyo to SG 1 day before his flight -_- I had no time to ask him to help me buy alcohol.

Labour day Wednesday he arrived late afternoon, I was prepared the room for him. We gossiped and also found out why he's coming and he's doing a day trip to HCM city. We ate ban mian for dinner and had dessert which he loved. Went walking around the malls and back home.
Thursday we had duck rice lunch at Suntec and went cycling along the Marina Barrage and ECP area. The weather was quite good - cloudy and windy, no rain nor sun. It was the first time I went to Marina Barrage via the cycling route.
1 hour into cycling and he said he was tired already -_- but he said it was a very relaxing and comfortable ride. We went home, showered, he went for dinner with Trex and I had Sukiya heh. I also updated Neab on the latest. When he returned at night we had a call with Neab for some therapy lol.

Friday morning he flew to HCM city so I went to the gym and back to cck for dinner. Eric swung by for drinks after dinner and we watched Godzilla. 

Saturday evening Angus came back, Stanley came over and we had dinner at Chin Chin, then we hit the bar. Trex joined us for drinks at the bar, we wanted to club but there wasn't anyone in the club and the price wasn't worth it so we went back home for more drinks (free).

Sunday we went to eat the pork leg rice nearby, dessert and I was thinking what to do in the evening. Initally we wanted to watch Hamilton but I checked the website and it was sold out. Then he suddenly checked and got us 2 tickets. $220 per ticket -_-. My wallet cried a bit but ok, we had nothing to do anyway. We went home, changed, had a quick dinner at MOS burger and headed to the theatre. 
We were 5 mins late so we missed the first song. The show was about 2.5hours and the songs were pretty good! We were seated in the very middle, the view was great - hence the price. 
I enjoyed the show but my wallet didn't lol.
We headed for dim sum supper with Trex and headed home after. 

Monday I figured we could do a half day trip to JB. So we took the train then bus to JB! We had Ya Wang for lunch - still tasted as good as I remembered and he enjoyed it too. 
And then we went shopping at City Square, he bought some uniqlo and I bought some bread for breakfast. While heading back at around 2.30pm we suddenly saw Chef Huang coming in lol, then we saw Stanley at the customs. Back at around 4-ish, we prepared to go Jewel for dinner while sending him to the airport.
Holiday for him in SG is like a holiday for me too. I had to think of the touristy things to do, spend money and eat yummy food with him. Oh well, it's a therapy trip for him so as long as he enjoyed it then I'm happy too. I didn't expect him to come back so quickly, he's coming almost every month and yesterday he asked me if he should come again next month -_-.

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