monday morning went to take bus to m'sia wif my mum.... then cousin came to fetch us at the custom there. so excited when crossed the border but can't express out coz cannot show ma. but like dat will get breast cancer. ok i'm juz joking. hahaXx.
anywayyyyy lunch we went to giant jusco.. which is a super big building wif the big jusco supermarket and lotsa good shops inside!!~ then cousin brought us to this hong kong cafe.. the menu has A LOT of foood and all of them look DAMN NICE!!!!!!!!~ and we ordered A LOT. ahahXx and a lot of desserts... it's like 100x better than those hong kong cafe in spore la!!!!~ it's like wow!! and the price is like half of the price in spore!!!!~ super nice n cheap!!~ then i was thinking if i buy the franchise and bring it over to spore i'll b a super rich guy man. the cafe is called 'food and tea' anyway. hahaXx.
then went shopping but then din buy a lot of things. except lotsa things to eat and got a lot fatter.
at nite went over to the house of my cousin hu's getting married. it's a she btw. and she's like the same age as us and she's 4 months pregnant. -_-" y do most of my cousins in m'sia have shotgun marriage.. and like the same age as mi. y dun they use protection or wad.. mayb they dun promote condoms in m'sia. i was thinking why m'sia's society like so open but spore's one like hm... conservative.
and saw a lot of my cousins (ahha sorri arh i got a lot of cousins) and one of fav. cousin is ssoooooooooooooooooo cute and handsome!!!!~ he's onli 6 years old and he looks soo...... handsome!!!!~ wah i tell u if he grow up he'll b so attractive that every girl wans a piece of him. (ok sounds a bit wrong but u get the idea la) yah... his eyes especially... once u c him u can't take ur eyes off his eyes man... he's got the most beautiful eyes i ever saw. hm.. mayb he looks like mi when i was young too. ahhahaXx. seriously his eyes r sooo beautiful. aiya too bad i din take photo wif him. ahahXx coz i dun wanna share wif u all!!~ ahahXx juz kidding la. nxt time i go back m'sia then i take.
tuesday morning went for the wedding thingy coz the bride has to jing cha to my mum.. then saw the traditional way of like opening the door and give hong baos.. hahaXx the scene is quite farnie la. then after dat went to shopping!!!!!!~
YEAHHHHHH i love shopping in m'sia!!!!!!!! let's c wad i bot.... one banana tropical 3/4s, one FCUK shirt, one ben sherman t shirt, one more vintage t shirt... and mum bot 2 t shirts. and guess how much is the total? a whopping 180RM ONLI!!~ and furthermore got one free duffel bag!!! HAHAxX great deal man!!!! 6 clothes and a bag for 180RM onli!!~ hahaxx where can u find in spore??! but i saw this orange junk food t shirt which i wanted to buy but then my mum pay money already. haiXx... regret nv buy then now still thinking of the t shirt.
then went for the wedding!!~ wah my cousin is sooooo pretty man. and when i saw pretty i really meant it. i nv seen the bride so pretty b4. and young somemore. then the groom.. hm.... average onli la. anyway it's at some LC restaurant la.. then got those sexy hokkien female singers singing on stage.
the first singer was okay.. wah the second singer was so zai la!~ after she sang her first hokkien song she said they also have new songs. then she sang yang chen ling's qing zhu... wahhhh so zai leh she. can actually make the chinese song sound like a hokkien song man!!!~ the third singer i admit was quite pretty but hu wears such a costume on stage!?! she wore like a silver costume wif a superman-like cape and one side of the costume is like mini shorts then the other side cover the whole leg. wah lao super ugly. spare mi plz. i c already dun feel like eating. then the speakers blasted so loudly dat when they go out of tune u can't even hear coz u'r already deaf. hahaXx
anyway the food is quite good la. juz dat the singers and speakers turn u off. and my cousin is pretty. hahaXx..
anyway had a good holiday at m'sia... ahahXx felt so free dun need to go back camp. ahahXx... heard dat my frens had some very xiong PT while i was enjoying my life in m'sia. ahahXx good dat i took leave at such a good time.
long holiday rocks.
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