Yesterday after I drove back at night, I was parking beside a blue car. Usually I'm very confident of my parking skills when I use the side mirror to mark. So this time, I knew I was too close to the blue car so I did another round. When I entered the lot, I saw there were very obvious scratch marks beside the car. I went down, observed the marks, went to the back of my car to see if it had marks too. There were also a line mark, but it wasn't level with the marks on the blue car. I went to see if there was a camera in front of the blue car recording everything and then I drove off to another parking lot.
In my mind I was thinking shit shit shit shit shit and I began to analyse.
1. I'm not sure if I made the marks because the marks wasn't level and I didn't hear anything. The day before I heard my dad asking my sis why there are marks on our car, so it might not be me.
2. There were no camera in the blue car but there might be another camera in the car opposite and if the owner finds out about the marks he might ask the other car owner for the footage and they'll know it's me and what will I do? Tell the truth? Act blur?
3. Even if there's another camera the blue owner might not know about the marks or too lazy to ask the camera owner to help (if there's a camera). He might not even notice the marks. Given that it's a blue car, it has a high possibility of belonging to a certain race.
4. Worse case scenario: I'll just pay for the repairs. I even considered putting a note to contact me.
I mean honesty counts right?
I hate this kind of accidents. I couldn't sleep the whole night and I even dream of going back to the carpark to find the cars are already driven off. I was sooooo worried. It has been a day and there's no news. I hope it stays the same or else I'll get into real deep shit.
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