Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Biz tripping

It has been many many years since I have been on a business trip. The last time was to Hong Kong so many years ago but Shanghai biz trip was still the best. 

I was actually quite stressed before this trip - I only need to work 2 hours there but the preparation was a killer and people refusing to send me their things. Everything was settled today phew.

Anyway heading to Manila tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon and coming back on Sunday, and within 24hrs heading to Japan on Monday night hehehe.

I really hope I have the time and energy to pack.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Buying sweater and candles

I just bought a $245 Ami sweater online and I didn't even bat an eye or feel remorse or any hint of wallet pain that I just spent so much on a normal looking sweater with a red heart logo. I feel so weird because I always haggle on Carousell or whatever just to save $2 on mailing, but $245? 
But I really love the pastel green colour and I want a new sweater for my Japan trips (next week + next year). And also I can't find anything suitable on Carousell. 

And after that I went ahead to buy $120 worth of Le Labo candles?? What is wrong with me and my financial sense? This is so weird... I think my obsession with candles is depleting my bank account. I have so many candles now I think they can last me a year.
Actually I really wanted to try Le Labo candles and if I didn't like them I can always sell them. But who doesn't like Le Labo candles??

Also, Julian just introduced me to The Matcha 26 scent and I'm going to get a bottle in Tokyo next week hehe.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Stress relieved and Le Labo

1. Piled up work from my 2 weeks Covid absence
2. Financials
3. Parents

These 3 had me so stressed up after Sunday and I was just nervous ranting for the last 2 days to my friends and colleagues.


Everything got resolved by the end of today!!!!! Woohoo!!

1. I went into office today, had a really good presentation to the regional CRO (my boss's boss) and finished most of the thing I want to complete and cleared my mailbox. I also rejected the additional work that the other department asked and told my frustrations to my boss and he laughed. Yea, why should I take on more things when you are not paying me extra?

2. I called Kelvin when I was on the bus and clarified with him the timeline on financials and he assured me that it's manageable. What a relief!!!

3. When I came home for dinner I calmly told them I'm buying a property next year. My mum was especially ok to the idea and my dad was suggesting Bukit Batok and Woodlands -_- 
Slowly... slowly...


On top of that, I bought a Diptyque candle from somebody in Carousell a year ago, and a few days ago she texted me asking me if I wanted a Le Labo candle for free. I was like??? Of coz and I collected from her today and had a really nice chat with her.
Life is treating me good after my 2 weeks of Covid. I can finally taste and smell now. It's crazy I am really excited.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Day 9

It has been 9 days since I'm Covid positive and I'm still Covid positive -_-

Why is this taking so long?? I know the doctor said I already go out on Day 7 no matter the test result because I'm no longer infectious, but I still feel a bit of sore throat and I still have some runny nose and very very mild fever.

Day 1-5 has been horrible, just feel that my throat and head is on mild fire, like on an induction cooker slowly cooking, and the medicine just makes my head so heavy all the time. I slept a lot - like 10-12 hours a day which is good? My nose is blocked all the time. I feel that the fever is ruining my brain, I cannot really focus.

In a day, I have to take
3 x Paracetamol
1 x fizzing Phlem medicine
2 x runny nose pills
3 x Lozenges
12 x some chinese pills 
3 x some disgusting black TCM medicinal drink
3 x cough syrup

I love the way they made me sleep so well tho. I thought I would be well on Day 7 but still positive. I asked around and the average time for the ART test to turn negative is Day 10 so I guess I just have to wait. I'm just afraid to go out in this condition.

Also, I really want to hit the gym soon. I sort of suspected I caught it at the gym.

Also, Tokyo in 2 weeks time!!!!!!!!