Sunday, July 25, 2010


The tickets were pre-released for OCBC card holders and they were sold out in 2 hours, so they had to arrange for an additional day for the concert, and tickets were sold out in 40 minutes.

That is the power of Jay Chou.

Honestly I just wanted to see how his concert will sound like and i totally didn't expect it to be that impressive!!!

the 3D effects were so good, that we couldn't tell between the real and fakes!!
That is really impressive considered we have watched so many 3D concerts and this is the best i've ever seen.

There was this flat screen with a window in which he was in it and all of us thought it was fake but it was the actual person! and then the surroundings changes around him. Another time was, i think, he was walking on a treadmill and the backround zooming out, creating an illusion that he's walking out of a castle!

Although half of the concert were his new songs which i haven heard, and his singing wasn't 'ah mei' level, the stage effects, dancing, live music and his olddies are so well coodinated altogether and made the whole concert world class and every ticket should have worth more.

He can really perform and spread his charm to the audience-could also be due to his accumulated past experiences. Yanzi went to watch and sat beside his mum and grandma, and Jay sang Yan Lei Cheng Shi for her.

He's got the moves! Shuang jie gun for the last song, he left us hanging and wanting more and more, including me. haha

This concert is the BOMB! The BEST concert i've ever been to. Yet.

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