Sunday, November 05, 2017

chatting with Andrew

After drinking last night we went to a Korean restaurant but I wasn't eating. Andrew went out to smoke and he texted me to come out so I joined him. He is already quite crazy in person and even crazier when he's drunk, and he's always drunk when he drinks. He told me some complicated things that set me thinking today. And I had a really bad hangover.

Why do people like to make things so complicated? Because of desire and greed?
Is that why relationships and matters of the heart are so complicated?
Why are people so selfish and only care about themselves?

As a person I make others happy because I want to be around people who are happy and that makes me happy. I hate selfish people who takes advantage of that and want to keep that happiness for themselves instead of sharing it. I don't want to be around rude or emo or hot tempered people. Nobody likes that as well.

How should I manage the colleagues in office?
Should I be straightforward or beat around the bush?
Should I judge them for how they work?

Why am I suddenly feeling this philosophical shit.
Alcohol makes me think so much.

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