Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The regular life

I don't know why I'm waking up at 4.30am just in time for the sun rise these few days. I think I'm just not tired enough or I didn't use my brain-juice enough.

It's the same question over and over in my head. When I was back in Singapore I told myself to change my lifestyle and create stories when I'm back in Shanghai.

But when I'm really back here I couldn't bring myself to make any changes. I don't feel like making any stories, I just wanna do my Singapore lifestyle but at the same time I'm excited to be overseas and feel that I should make use of my time here. 

Youth and energy doesn't last forever. Now I have youth, energy and money, I just need to find time to do things I want to do in my free time, like learning the ukulele or Japanese.

Money and time is a trade-off. Health and food is also a trade-off.

At the end of the day, when I look back on these 2 years in Shanghai, I don't want to regret on the things I didn't do, nor sigh and say I should have done this and that.

But there's a catch, its only 2 years, after that I gotta return to the regular life in Singapore.

Life is such a confusion.